Tuesday, February 26, 2013

American Business

Artist: Demosthenes N. V. 
Title: American Business
Dimensions: 1'6" wide x 10' tall
Media: found objects, suitcase and vintage American flag

Artist Statement: The main idea of this piece is all about the important people running our country are concerned with the business side of this country rather than the people. The suitcase is representing the business man tossing away the constitution of our country and the flag represents those ideals. This representation of American business is meant to show how corporations are over throwing our already deceitful government. Our constitution has become an opinion; with enough money any man sporting a brief case can just discard our values and constitutional rights for his own personal gain. The message is not just aimed at business men, but lawyers, congressmen, judges, etc. who are seeking out the loop holes for the companies to control without question. Not only are they responsible for causing corruption in our system. But we the people can do nothing to stop it. Most don’t care, and the few that do have no power over such monopolies. We the people are living in a business full of lies…I don’t see a great and power country I see a business wanting more and more while the people get less and less…


  1. Very cool. I like the message, the theme and the overall production. I am however confused by the garage? Is it part of the statement, or just the place you happened to shoot?

    1. just the the location. and thank you. You can see it in person at the student art show in the YC gallery

  2. nice image...like the symmetrical balance..gives you an in your face vibe..empty garage even if unintended really works [no car no people]... metaphor for your message???..greed..greed..might make you feel empty or hanging inside the empty garage???...texture....that cold slab of concrete..works too...
