Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Color and Proportion

Indian Ruins
24" x 16"

24" x 16"

Mount Ranier
24" x 16"

This pictures were created from photographs executed with a pallet knife


  1. Very nice rough yet pastoral imagery in these three pieces.
    The proportion of shadow to light is difficult process to do in pallet work and you have accomplished this well by using the deep tones of the colors without compromising the over all composition.
    Allowing the medium to be thick in places increases the sense of depth to shadow in the mountain side and extends the excitement in the saguaro flora.
    Crisp impact of color in each painting with the affects of the pallet knife shows great skill at the work you have done.

  2. In each of these images you have managed to balance the colors so that they are vibrant but not glaring or dull. Which I know from experience is harder than it seems. The highlights on the cactus and rock face are especially well done. And your proportions as things recede into space is also great.

  3. Each of your paintings uses color very well, I especially like Indian Ruins. The light color of the plants create a good contrast with the dark green landscape. The spatial relationship of the darker land in the foreground to the mountain helps give a sense of perspective, also.

  4. The texture in each of these paintings is really a nice touch. I see that you created the texture with the technique (tools) used to create the paintings, specifically for the texture? (I'm not a painter) It's very nice to see paintings that aren't typical landscapes.

  5. I just love seeing oil paintings its alot like a photographer you see and image then process it and recreate it on the way you see it. I just love the color detail and lines and the shapes of the mountains and trees.. just wow I wish I had the time and the talent you have Awesome job..

  6. indian ruins..like the visual and tactile texture in this image it is really effective in this composition..good asymmetrical balance with shape / color to keep the eye moving thru the image [painting] good job
