Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Garfield Family Portrait
f5.6 @ 1/100 ISO100
23.14MB  240ppi
Photographed 11/30/2012
Processed in Camera RAW and CS5

Lewis Family Portrait
f4.5 @ 1/100 ISO100
24.3MB  240ppi
Photographed 11/16/2012
Processed in Camera RAW and CS5

Switzer Family Portrait
f4.5 @ 1/60 ISO100
5.6MB  300ppi
Photographed 12/1/2012
Processed in Camera RAW and CS5

1 comment:

  1. I really like this series. The brick color is carried through each image really well along with the pop of red. I like how the mom and daughter Have their feet elegantly posed in the second shot and really like how the adults are chopped off at the top emphasizing the little girl. Really well done.
