Friday, March 8, 2013

Just a Friendly Chat! By Rhonda Snyder

Just a Friendly Chat !
May 2012

I was just working on an assignment for Digital Photography Class,  on 100 years of Prescott. I was photographing the Yavapai County Court House when hold and behold saw these people talking, I just had
to take the picture.. After I was done with this shot I went to talk to them and pet the cute dog, I asked how long they have lived in Prescott , the reply from all of them was, all my life! Wow I was amazed to talk to real home town fokes, and o boy the stories they have told me. So I advise you if you get lucky to meet some real Prescott City fokes sit with them for a bit,, You are in for a real treat..

F11/ 1/200 ISO 200  730am
(1600x1400)  240 ppi

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